How to Get More Views on Instagram Reels in 2024

As Instagram continues to evolve, so do the strategies for maximizing visibility and engagement. For those looking to boost their views on Instagram Reels, especially smaller accounts, understanding the latest trends and features is crucial.

 This guide will explore actionable steps to enhance your Reels' performance and reach a broader audience.

Utilize Trending Audio

One of the most effective ways to increase your views is by leveraging Instagram's trending audio feature. This feature can be accessed through your professional dashboard, where you can find the most popular audio clips currently in use on the platform.

Using trending audio in your content can significantly enhance your reach. Instagram updates its trending audios daily, so staying current is essential. By incorporating these audios into your Reels, you signal to Instagram that your content is relevant, which can lead to increased exposure.

But it's not just about using trending audio. You should also explore the posts associated with these audio clips. By recreating popular posts that utilize trending audio, you can tap into existing trends, further amplifying your visibility. This dual approach—using trending audio and participating in related trends—will help your Reels gain traction.

Find Trends within Trending Audios

To maximize the impact of trending audio, delve deeper into the trends associated with specific audio clips. When you click on a trending audio, you'll see various posts that are currently gaining traction. Recreating these posts can lead to a significant increase in views.

Remember, trends also extend beyond audio. Effects on Instagram can trend too. By incorporating trending effects into your content, you enhance your chances of being favored by the Instagram algorithm, resulting in more views.

Explore Broad Trends on Instagram

In addition to focusing solely on trending audio, it's vital to keep an eye on broader trends happening across the platform. By accessing the "Inspiration" section in your professional dashboard, you can discover various trends that are gaining popularity.

While not every trend will align with your niche, finding a way to incorporate relevant trends can broaden your reach. Many creators make the mistake of overly restricting their content to their niche, which can limit their visibility.

For instance, if you typically create real estate content, incorporating a trending comedic element can attract viewers who might not typically engage with your posts. By bridging different content types, you can expose your work to a wider audience.

Craft Compelling Descriptions

Your Reels' descriptions play a crucial role in engaging viewers. A well-crafted description can keep viewers watching longer, which is a key factor for the Instagram algorithm. Aim for descriptions that are between 125 to 150 words long. This length encourages viewers to loop your video multiple times while reading.

Here are the essential elements to include in your descriptions:

  • Emojis: Use a healthy amount of emojis to make your descriptions visually appealing without overwhelming the reader.
  • Hook: Start with an engaging hook that encourages viewers to read more. Consider using provocative statements or questions to draw in your audience.
  • Call to Action: Conclude with a clear call to action, asking viewers to comment or share. It's important not to overwhelm them with multiple actions; focus on one to maximize engagement.

Every share on Instagram can equate to approximately 400 additional views on your Reels, making it essential to craft descriptions that encourage sharing.

Share Your Posts Effectively

Sharing your posts in the right way can significantly influence your views. Instead of using the traditional share button to add your Reels to your story, consider sharing them through comments. By selecting a provocative comment and sharing it to your story, you pique curiosity and drive viewers back to your Reel.

This method not only keeps your audience engaged but also increases the likelihood of attracting new viewers who might not have interacted with your content otherwise.

Break Down Your Content

One common pitfall is trying to convey too much information in a single video. While longer videos may work for some platforms, Instagram thrives on concise, engaging content. Instead of cramming all your ideas into a 60-second video, break your content down into bite-sized pieces.

Consider creating shorter videos—5 to 10 seconds—that deliver quick, impactful messages. Shorter videos are more likely to be replayed, which can boost your average view duration and overall engagement.

Maximize Engagement Metrics

Instagram values two key metrics: replay rates and average view duration. By focusing on creating content that encourages viewers to watch multiple times, you enhance your chances of being featured more prominently in users' feeds.

Every second counts on Instagram. A slight difference in video length can determine whether your content goes viral or flops. Prioritize creating engaging, shareable content that resonates with your audience.

Join an Instagram Mentorship Program

If you're serious about growing your account, consider participating in a mentorship program. Such programs can provide personalized guidance to help you implement the strategies discussed in this article.

Many creators have experienced remarkable growth by enrolling in mentorship programs. For instance, some participants gained over 100,000 followers in just 30 days. A structured program can help you refine your content, improve your hashtags, and optimize your posting schedule.

Why Mentorship Matters

Having a mentor can provide clarity and direction in your growth strategy. They can analyze your account, suggest improvements, and help you stay accountable. With limited spots available in many mentorship programs, acting quickly can ensure you secure your place.


Growing your views on Instagram Reels requires a combination of strategic planning, understanding trends, and engaging effectively with your audience. By utilizing trending audio, crafting compelling descriptions, and sharing your content thoughtfully, you can significantly enhance your reach.

Moreover, breaking down your content into shorter, more engaging pieces, and participating in mentorship programs can further propel your growth. With the right approach and commitment, achieving your Instagram goals in 2024 is within reach.

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