How to Create 30 Instagram Reels in 24 Hours with Canva

Creating engaging video content can be daunting, especially with the increasing demand for video across social media platforms. However, with a solid strategy and the right tools, it is possible to produce a significant amount of content in a short span of time.

 This guide will walk you through an efficient method to create 30 Instagram Reels in just 24 hours using Canva, a user-friendly design tool. By focusing on simplicity and repurposing content, you can streamline your video creation process and enhance your engagement.

Understanding the Demand for Video Content

The landscape of social media has evolved, with vertical video formats like 9x16 becoming the preferred choice on platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts. This shift means that videographers and content creators are often overwhelmed by the volume of content they need to produce to keep up with audience expectations.

However, this challenge also presents a unique opportunity. By creating content that can be repurposed across multiple platforms, you can maximize your reach without doubling your workload. The key is to develop a strategic approach to content creation that allows for efficiency and creativity.

Developing a Content Strategy

Before diving into the creation process, it's essential to establish a clear strategy. This involves identifying the types of content you want to create and how you can vary them to reach your target audience effectively. Here are some steps to consider:

  • Identify Content Pillars: Choose a few key themes or topics that resonate with your audience.
  • Plan Variations: For each pillar, think of multiple formats or angles you can explore.
  • Set Goals: Define how many pieces of content you aim to create within your designated time frame.

By focusing on six different types of content and creating multiple variations for each, you can easily reach your goal of 30 pieces in 24 hours.

Leveraging Canva for Content Creation

Canva is an excellent tool for creating social media content due to its user-friendly interface and extensive library of templates. Whether you're a seasoned videographer or a beginner, Canva simplifies the editing process and allows for quick, professional-looking results.

Here are some advantages of using Canva for video creation:

  • Built-in Templates: Canva offers a variety of pre-made templates specifically designed for social media videos.
  • Ease of Use: The drag-and-drop functionality makes it accessible for users of all skill levels.
  • Free and Pro Features: While Canva is free, the Pro version offers additional features such as background removal and advanced editing tools.

Types of Content to Create

To reach your goal of 30 Instagram Reels, consider creating the following types of video content:

1. Tweet Videos

Tweet videos take popular Twitter content and convert it into engaging video format. This type of video can drive significant audience interaction. To create a tweet video in Canva:

  1. Select a mobile video editor template in Canva.
  2. Choose a captivating background video or image.
  3. Add engaging questions or statements to stimulate viewer responses.
  4. Make adjustments to text and video brightness for optimal visibility.

By creating several tweet videos in one session, you can quickly accumulate content that encourages audience engagement.

2. Gear vs. Shot Videos

This content type showcases the equipment used in a shoot alongside the final product. It’s a great way to highlight your process and the quality of your work. To create this video:

  1. Upload behind-the-scenes footage of your gear.
  2. Incorporate clips of the final shots taken with that gear.
  3. Add compelling text to label the gear and shots.

This format not only informs but also inspires fellow creators and enthusiasts.

3. Stacking Videos

Stacking videos allow you to present multiple clips in a single view. Using Canva’s templates, you can easily drop in your clips and customize the text. Here’s how:

  1. Choose a pre-made stacking template.
  2. Drag and drop your selected clips into the designated areas.
  3. Modify the text to fit your theme or message.

This format is visually appealing and can effectively communicate a narrative or process.

4. Repurposed Content Videos

Transforming longer videos, such as podcast episodes, into shorter clips is an excellent way to maximize your existing content. To create repurposed videos:

  1. Select a podcast clip and a relevant template from Canva.
  2. Upload your video and adjust the timing of text and graphics.
  3. Include audio indicators to encourage viewers to listen closely.

This approach not only saves time but also helps you reach audiences who prefer shorter formats.

5. Behind-the-Scenes Videos

Showing the behind-the-scenes process can create a personal connection with your audience. To produce these videos:

  1. Gather existing behind-the-scenes footage.
  2. Choose a suitable template that frames the content effectively.
  3. Add engaging text and music to enhance the viewing experience.

Audiences appreciate authenticity, and behind-the-scenes content can foster a deeper connection with your work.

6. Video and Text-Based Content

Combining video with informative text can provide value to your viewers. This type of content can be created by:

  1. Selecting a visually appealing video clip as the background.
  2. Overlaying text that shares valuable insights or tips related to the video.
  3. Adjusting the text for readability against the video background.

This format is particularly effective in educating your audience while showcasing your work.

Finalizing and Scheduling Your Content

Once you have created your 30 pieces of content, the next step is to finalize and schedule them across your social media platforms. Canva allows you to download your videos easily, and many social media management tools can help you schedule your posts in advance.

By planning your content ahead of time and utilizing scheduling tools, you can ensure a consistent posting schedule without the stress of last-minute uploads.

Engaging with Your Audience

With your content created and scheduled, focus on engaging with your audience. Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and encourage discussions around your videos. This interaction not only builds community but also provides valuable insights into what your audience enjoys, helping you refine future content.


Creating 30 Instagram Reels in 24 hours is an achievable goal with the right strategy and tools like Canva. By focusing on content repurposing and keeping your approach simple, you can produce high-quality videos that resonate with your audience. Remember, the key to success lies in planning, creativity, and engagement. With practice, you’ll find that your content creation process becomes more efficient and enjoyable.

For those interested in exploring Canva further, consider signing up for a 45-day free trial of Canva Pro to access additional features that can enhance your content creation experience.

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